Surrogacy laws by state map

An International Department of ADONIS Medical Group, located in the USA, which was created for the convenience of our patients from the USA and Canada, ensures the best support and coordination by the surrogacy subject. If there are a lot of questions you’ve wanted to know the answers for since ages ago, ADONIS Fertility International is always ready to clarify all things.
Some aspects to brief the new ADONIS clients, there are several options to choose from the ADONIS Surrogacy Programs:
- Surrogacy (“fresh” embryo transfer)
- Surrogacy + Sperm Donation (“fresh” embryo transfer)
- Surrogacy + Egg Donation (“fresh” embryo transfer)
- Surrogacy + Egg Donation, Unlimited Attempts
- Surrogacy (with frozen embryo transfer – FET)
Every program is individually adapted and carefully prepared. The whole conditions and services are elaborated before the start of the treatment. ADONIS cares about the clients’ awareness, that’s why you are provided with the full necessary information and …
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